Every project has a begining. It also is supposed to have an "END"...
Welcome to the chronological events section!
The story begins at September 1995. The desire of building an R2D2 comes from childhood but the ability of doing so and the time (as well as the money) become available from this point in time. How to work with plastics and metal was totally unknown but somehow it was all learned after a series of classes and a bunch of fatidic practices. On this section of the web page you will see how it evolved from nothing to what it is today.
Whatecer you see on this square is what I had. NOTHINGNESS!!!!!!
This is what I had on September 1995. Not a tool and not an idea of where and how to begin! Not even an R2D2 to see and take measures. Only the movies which I tend to see each weekend. But most importantly there was the desire and the mind to build R2D2.
The links below will take you to the four spots in time within 1995 and 1999. I wish I had more pictures but unfortunately, back then getting access to a digital camera was not like today when you can buy a few dozen of them for less than a $100!