First Try:
Cylinder Body: What I first tried was to build the cylinder out of paper, resin and Plaster of Paris. It was a mess. There was no mold and the floor was filled with liquid resin (which later hardened and became a nightmare!) This did not worked
Dome Head: To build the dome head I tried inflating a ball or a balloon and then apply paper mache. I even tried to build a dome out of mud! This also did not worked! Balls and balloons did not formed a perfect sphere and mud... Just take it from me! It was not a pretty sight.
Other technique tried was to shape a metal sheet with a hammer and anvil. Bad idea if you have no idea of how to do it or do not have the right tools! A furnace is kind of important if you are trying to easily bend and shape metals. You can do it on cold metal but ask an expert. It is not an easy task!
Psychoilogy Profile: I am as persevering as you can get! I failed, failed, failed and kept failing but never stopped trying! Every technique yielded horrible results!
The project stopped while I discovered the fiberglass casting technology (just a few weeks). A friend of mine taught me how to mix and apply gel coats, resins and fiberglass mesh. Pathetic Age had ended and the SECOND TRY was about to begin!